Monday, October 4, 2010

Høstferie Dag 4

I appreciated the shelter of the laundry room yet again, as the rain came down harder last night. However, the thermometer read 19.5 degrees Celsius at midnight, which made for a very warm walk up the mountain from town. It was a pretty layed back day, aside from a couple of minutes spent catching the bus. We were very fortunate to catch a ride with Ivor’s family to Stord (halfway between Bergen and Haugesund), so the bus ticket wasn’t as expensive as it could have been. (While proofreading, I realized that this makes it sound like we missed the bus in Bergen… Don’t worry, we had planned all along to ride with Ivor, it was in Stord that we nearly missed the bus!)
PA040006 In Haugesund, it was also raining (the forecast for the rest of the week consists of… yes, rain, so I won’t bother mentioning the weather in my next few posts). We braved it out downtown for an hour or so and looked around for a while. I checked in at the barber's and promptly left when I heard 500 NOK or almost 100 CDN for a haricut?! Luckily, my third cousin twice removed, better known as Hans Tveitaskog, arrived in time to save us from the land of $8 hotdogs and $50 pizzas. Finally a name I can remember (and pronounce)!
We jumped in the car and Hans said to us, ”My first question for you is whether you have rain gear.” We stopped at the store and he generously purchased some cheap (by Norwegian standards) rubber boots in preparation for a day of fishing tomorrow!
PA040002 We went to his mother’s home for “grandma’s meatballs” and then took a brief tour of the farm and a detailed guide through it’s most recent addition, the family museum! There is plenty of history on the Tveitaskog farm, which has been in the family for over 350 years. Hans has restored part of the old farmhouse and is continually adding new artefacts: record players, castrating tools, family trees and photos, and countless other articles of interest. It is quite an impressive collection of historical memorabilia. The family connections made it all the more interesting.
I’m looking forward to tomorrow! After all, they say the best time to catch fish is in the rain!


  1. The curch in the background of your first picture is where my dad worked during the eight years we lived in Haugesund :)
