Friday, October 8, 2010

Høstferie Dag 8

Well, my aching feet can attest to the amount of walking we did today. With a full day to kill, we decided to walk the seven or eight kilometres to the Stavanger sentrum rather than taking the bus.
PA080008 It was another laidback day on holiday, spent meandering through the street vendors and canal vendors (selling fresh prawns, crabs and shrimp). I gave myself a tour of the Oil Museum, and found it to be quite interesting. Many displays, interactive exhibitions and scaled oil rigs meant there was a lot to see. Despite the associated reputation for spewing inexorable amounts of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses (which was not mentioned at any point in the museum), I must admit that the                  This model actually preceded
complexity and scale of the technology          the rig itself. Before the 
behind oil exploration and refinery is quite    days of CAD, perfectly scaled
impressive.                                     models were made to verify
As backpackers, Olof and I are bound to eating                     plans.
cheap. We struck a deal at a local grocer and feasted on a loaf of bread, a bucket of potato salad and 1.5 litres of orange juice- all for only 36 NOK (roughly $6, a bargain in Norway)!
We tread through Old Stavanger after lunch, a UNESCO World Heritage sight. It consists of an old neighbourhood with white wooden houses and narrow cobblestone streets. The best part was returning the smiles of all the old folks peeking out the windows at the tourists.
Another promenade brought us back to Sondre’s place for some tacos and Jack Johnson.











PA080021 Wheels of my Dreams

PA080024 Eating like Kings (from the Middle Ages)

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